Introducing the #REELWOMXN Series

Balanced representation has always been my passion. This will be a channel that challenges mainstream entertainment and marketing and demands more than performative allyship. We’ll continue to feature stories of triumph and inclusive media that’s representative of humanity in all its beautiful and complex forms. We will highlight people, art, solutions, communities, campaigns, brands, services, and products we think are pushing for progress. We will create, champion, and celebrate media made by or with womxn from diverse backgrounds, and share positive and powerful imagery and messages that endeavor to establish equality for all.

In that spirit, allow me to introduce the first of many new M@L series, the #ReelWomxn inspo-board, a weekly collection of womxn-driven content we’re consuming, learning from and amplifying. Through these collages we hope to support the momentum of movements for progressive change, and build the collective health, wealth, and power of womxn, particularly untapped populations.

It’s imperative, now more than ever, to stay the course for change. As Elaine Welteroth put so perfectly in her instagram post in creating the 15PercentPledge organization, “This is work that parlays every ounce of my privilege (my access, my time, my skill set, my network) and has helped productively channel my outrage, my heartbreak, and my anger into not just a worthy cause—but a concrete call to action.”

Who are your #reelwomxn inspirations? Drop us a line or a DM.